The hands and feet of Jesus to the people of Jamaica




"Assistant Manager"

"A primary caregiver to the children in care at JRM"

Montego Bay, Jamaica

My Story

Hello! My name is Jael Robinson, but most people call me Uneika. I was born here in Jamaica, and I have 2 older brothers and 3 younger sisters. My mom, Sophia Ellis, is the head teacher at Blackburn Learning Center in Mount Pelier.

Ever since I graduated high school I’ve been working at JRM, first as an Auntie, and now as Assistant Manager of Little Miracles Children’s Home. I’ve been married for 2 years to my amazing husband Garvil Robinson. We met at Cornwall Regional Hospital when I was visiting my brother Mario, who had just been in a scary car accident. It was quite an unusual time to be noticing a guy, but we were drawn to each other, and I know that God knows all the plans he has for my life, so I didn’t question Him! After marriage, we were blessed with the most precious gift, baby Sabrina, who is now 1 year old. She is our bundle of joy! Through her, I have learned even more about how to humbly love God with all my heart and all my strength.

I enjoy working with all the kids here at JRM! If I am having a sad day, being here lifts me up and gives me the motivation to go on. I have always dreamed of becoming a Social Worker, and plan on studying to get my degree. I am passionate about seeing children’s lives changed from brokenness to peace by being placed in a happy home, either through foster care, adoption, or being re-integrated with their family.