"Homeschool Teacher"
Lott, TX USA
Served with JRM:
August 2016 - May 2018
August 2021 - May 2022
My Story
I have previously served at Jamaica Relief Ministries as a school teacher to the Stutzman girls from August 2016-May 2018. I am excited to return to JRM again to teach.
A Texas girl through and through, I moved to Jamaica from Lott, TX. I grew up with five older siblings and one younger sister.
Since graduating from school in 2014, I have worked as a babysitter and as a manager at a local deli.
In my free time, I enjoy playing sports, games, and anything competitive.
I love to sing, so you can usually hear me singing throughout the house.
I also say that I have several secret powers that I don't reveal until they are needed.
"I felt this is where God was leading me. I've always wanted to teach school and I love to work with children.
When the opportunity arose to come to Jamaica, I felt God telling me to go..
So I went. Scared. Excitedly."