Kevin & Carrie Stutzman
"Field Director"
"Oversee operations of JRM programs in Jamaica"
Plain City, OH USA
Served with JRM:
July 2014 - June 2022
Our Story
We have known each other since elementary school, but it wasn't until after high school that we began a relationship with each other.
We were married in 2003,and had 5 daughters before we moved to Jamaica in the summer of 2014.
When the opportunity came to serve in Jamaica, it seemed as if God was opening the doors.
We have become foster parents in Jamaica, and have enjoyed having a boy added to our family though foster care.
We have made many new friends and acquaintances during our time here, and we are grateful for each one.
Being separated from family is probably the hardest part of living in Jamaica, but we find that serving in this capacity is very fulfilling and where God wants us.
I was born in central Ohio as the youngest of 7 children.
I grew up in a rural farming community, but as a young adult I spent a year living in New York City doing volunteer work.
In Ohio I worked as a plumber, then later as an office manager for the same plumbing company.
One of my current hobbies is reading and learning about the history of Jamaica.
I was born in central Ohio and was third born of 7 children.
I grew up on a dairy farm. I think it's safe to say that I was my Dad's best milkmaid.
I was often found working or playing outside and was always the first to "volunteer" to entertain my younger siblings rather than doing housework.
I have yet to find a love for house cleaning and cooking.
I was often surrounded by little children, and had several babysitting jobs along with being assistant manager at a local bulk food store.
I always had a dream of caring and serving little children, and I praise God for this opportunity to do that here in Jamaica.
Some of my favorite things are caramel iced coffees, crafting, decorating our home, meaningful relationships,
and running after 6 lively kiddos!