The hands and feet of Jesus to the people of Jamaica



"Blossom Gardens Program Manager"

Martinsburg, OH USA



Served with JRM:
Auntie: Feb 2017 - Aug 2018
Short Term Supervisor: March 2020 - June 2022

My Story

I began serving at Jamaica Relief Ministries since Valentine's Day 2017.
I'm the youngest of five children, and I was homeschooled in Martinsburg, OH.
After finishing school, I spent the next few years working at a bakery and a farmer’s market, and babysitting.
My favorite thing to do is to spend time with my family and friends.
Two nieces and three nephews make family get togethers a lot of fun!
I've always said that Jesus, coffee, and Mountain Dew can get me through any day!

I'm serving at JRM because I have always loved children, and knew that I wanted to work in the mission field someday.
I had heard about JRM, and began praying about it, and God started opening doors!
Almost 2 years later, I moved to Jamaica, and my dream of serving at a children’s home came true.
I am now back for a second term, and am greatly enjoying leading teams
of short term aunties who work at Blossom Gardens Childcare Facility every day.