"Supervisor and support for caregivers"
Augusta, WV USA
Served with JRM:
September 2020 - May 2022
My Story
I’m Martha Wengerd, and I greatly enjoy my role as house mom at JRM. I’m from West Virginia, and I am a mother to five children; three girls and two boys. I grew up as an only child, attending a one room Amish schoolhouse in Meyersdale, PA. I have fond memories of going on trips with my parents, playing with cousins, and helping my mom and aunts on applesauce day.
I enjoy working with my hands, doing things like planting flowers, gardening, and sewing. Making a quilt that turns out beautiful and neat, or a dress that fits perfectly, makes me feel accomplished. I also love spending quality time with my dear children, grandchildren, and friends. When I was approached about serving with JRM, I knew that God was calling me to be a part of this ministry!